Rdr2 Online

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In Red Dead Online, horses work differently from Red Dead Redemption 2 Story Mode in many ways, although some features are shared across both single-player and multiplayer.

In Red Dead Online, there is one feature players clamored for from the beginning — the ability to play in a solo lobby without interruption from other players. Other players are the best. However, playing Red Dead Online solo like this isn’t easy. For one, there are up to 32 players in a single session so the possibility of finding another one is relatively high. Thankfully, you can occasionally see the marker of other players nearby on your map.

  1. R/rdr2online: Community for the multiplayer mode of Red Dead Redemption 2.
  2. Similar to the story mode in Red Dead Redemption 2, the main story missions for Red Dead Online can be identified by locating the big yellow spots on the map. These are much bigger than the.
  3. In this part of Red Dead Online, you'll be able to fully customize your character's appearance. You'll also be able to choose your starting clothes and weapons. This includes a knife, lasso, and lantern. Get 2 Points For Character Attributes.

We put together this comprehensive guide with everything you need to know about Horses in Red Dead Online, answering all the questions you might have on acquiring, selling and managing your Horses. (spoiler: your horse can't die!)

Buying Horses in Red Dead Online

While in Story Mode you could buy certain horses only from specific Stables, in Red Dead Online you can buy any horse you want from any Stable across all states. In addition, Red Dead Online features a Handheld Catalogue in your inventory, that you can access by holding the Left button on the D-pad: you can also purchase horses this way, anytime, anywhere.

Rdr2 Online

Now, not all horses can be purchased immediately: better horse breeds require you to achieve a certain Online Rank before they become available. Horses can be purchased with in-game cash, and some of them can be also bought with the alternative Gold Bars Currency.

However, the Red Chestnut Arabian Horse can be acquired for free from a Stable (exclusively for PS4 Players for 30 days), and if you're an owner of the Ultimate Edition you also have access to a free Black Chestnut Thoroughbred.

On our website you can find the full RDR2 Horses Database with all Types, Prices, Rank Unlocks and more details.

Once you purchased a Horse, you can of course name it however you want. It's important to note that after purchasing a horse, you will need to also purchase a Saddle for your horse by visiting the Stable, to be able to ride your horse.

[Read: The Best & Fastest Horses in Red Dead Online & RDR2 Ranked]

Can your Horse Die in Red Dead Online?

No, you will be happy to hear that your horse cannot die in Red Dead Online.

If your horse becomes critically injured and cannot be ridden, it can be healed using a Horse Reviver within 1 minute. Otherwise, if you don't manage to revive it, you can pay the veterinary to heal the horse.

You may heal your horse via the Player Menu for a fee, or at a Stable where it will cost less. Alternatively, you can purchase Horse Insurance for a fee. The cost of the insurance depends on the quality of your horse: the higher its attributes, the higher the cost.

All the Horse Insurance does is simply make your horse automatically begin to heal for free if critically injured, without additional cost, while uninsured horses will require a vet fee. Unlike with vehicles on GTA Online, you do not need to buy an insurance to avoid the death of your horse, your horse will never permanently die in Red Dead Online.

And don't worry about having to pay for other players mischiefs. If someone else 'kills' your horse, he will be liable to pay to cover the veterinary's fee. Likeways, if you 'kill' another player's horse, you will be responsabile for the costs of healing it.

Can you Steal Horses / Store Wild Horses in Red Dead Online?

Similarly to Red Dead Redemption 2 Story Mode, you can 'break' wild horses, or steal owned horses, and you can ride with them.

However, unlike Story Mode, you can't saddle or store wild horses and stolen horses in Red Dead Online, and you can't bond with them. You can only ride a stolen horse temporarily. Only legitimately purchased horses can be stored at a Stable.

It's hard to understand why this functionality has not been implemented, we can only hope it gets added in a future Title Update.

Owning Multiple Horses / How many Horses can you own in Red Dead Online?

Your owned horses are stored at Stables. You can access them from any Stable across the world map.

To start with, you will be given 1 stall for one horse, but more stalls are available to purchase at the Stable. By purchasing stalls, you can store up to 10 horses (it was 5 before the 1.11 Frontier Pursuits Update). You must have an available stall in order to buy a new Horse.

Can you Sell Horses in Red Dead Online?

Oddly, just like you cannot store wild horses, currently you also cannot sell Horses in Red Dead Online. This is also a very strange limitation, especially considering how Story Mode has a perfect mechanic implemented for selling Horses, where the resale value gets higher based on your bonding level with the horse.

Stealing and selling stolen vehicles has been a great way to make money in GTA Online, so we surely hope this feature will be coming soon also for Horses in Red Dead Online.

How to keep your Horse safe in Red Dead Online

Horses can still be hitched to a post by holding Triangle/Y, though this does not guarantee its safety. It could be stolen if you allow everyone access to your Horse.

You are able to control who has access to your horse in the Stables section of the Player menu. Here you can select if you would like to allow everyone to have access to your Horse or just yourself, your Posse, Crew, or Friends.

You can also select if you wish to force a player to dismount your horse.

It's important to note that your horse cannot be harmed by other players while you're inside a store or a building.

Whistling / Calling your Horse in Red Dead Online

Like you've been used to do in Story Mode, you can press Up on the D-pad to call your horse to you. Bonding with your horse will improve how fast it can locate you.

However, your horse will not respond to your whistle if it's stabled or critically injured. It also cannot come to you if you are inside a building or a cave.

A replacement horse (called 'Scrawny Nag') will be sent to you if your horse is unable to find you as is too far away or injured. You can dismiss or summon your horse by accessing the Stables section of the Player menu.

How to Customize your Horse at Stables

Also similarly to Story Mode, you can customize your horse at any Stable. There are stables in all major towns, shown by a blip on your map and radar. At a stable you can:

  • Manage your Owned Horses, and Rename your horses
  • Buy new Horses: You can buy up to 10 Horses and store them safely in Stables
  • Buy or upgrade equipment such as saddles, saddlebags, stirrups, and blankets
  • Customize your horse's appearance and accessories
  • Buy provisions and horse care items such as food, snacks, and tonics
  • Heal your horse and buy horse insurance to make your horse recover automatically

How to Set which Horse to use in various Game Modes

If you own multiple horses you can set which one you would like to use for the various Game Modes of Red Dead Online.

You do so by accessing the Player Menu (Left on the D-Pad), navigating to the 'Stables' section, and selecting 'Specialty'. Here, you can select the default horse to use in these categories:

  • Racing
  • Story Missions
  • Competitive Matches
  • Free Roam

Bonding, Horse Care and Feeding your Horse

Finally, just like in Story Mode, don't forget that in Red Dead Online it's also important to take good of your Horse, as you will rely heavily on your companion.

These mechanics work exactly the same as Story Mode. As you spend time with your horse, you feed it while it's hungry, you clean it while it's dirty, and you simply ride with it, your Bonding Level increases, which unlocks several perks.

A horse's health and stamina cores are affected negatively when it gets hungry or dirty - so keep an eye on it and make sure to keep your horse happy and healthy.

Also, a higher Bonding Level will reduce the chance of your horse becoming agitated and risking throwing you off, which is crucial for dealing with stressful situations such as combat in Red Dead Online.

For a full list of tips on looking after your horse, with details on bonding and which types of food to give your Horse, check out our dedicated guide.

For more useful Guides check out the complete Red Dead Online Guides & Features, as well as the Horses Database, Weapons Database, and everything else on Red Dead Redemption 2!

Dead eye in RDR2 Online doesn’t work the same way it does in singleplayer. A lot of people are confused by it, since they expected the same time-slowing mechanic from Red Dead Redemption 2 here. The way it works has been fundamentally changed, and now there are ability cards that change and enhance it in ways that simply weren’t available before. If you’re baffled by the whole system, our RDR2 Online dead eye guide will explain how it works, which ability cards do what.

How dead eye works in RDR2 Online?

In the singplayer portion of Red Dead Redemption 2, dead eye was the abilty that allowed you to slow down time. While time was slowed, the screen would turn sepia, and you’d get the chance to mark a bunch of targets. You did this on a timer, and once you ran out, Arthur would fire a barrage, one bullet for each target you’ve marked. It’s was kinda like Robocop’s targeting system, and it was a great crutch if you had trouble aiming. It was also extremely useful when hunting, as it allowed you to shoot faster and more precisely than you would without it, which made taking down tough beasts like the Legendary Alligator a lot easier.

You can forget about all that in RDR2 Online. First of all, the online version of dead eye doesn’t slow down time. This means there’s no aiming assistance involved, which is what has been confusing a lot of people. It would probably be impossible (or at least incredibly difficult) to allow one player to slow down time without slowing down time on the whole server, which would massively inconvenience everyone else (and not just the other participants in the fight).

Instead, what we got in Red Dead Online is a new system of character progression, with ability cards to unlock and equip. There are four ability card slots – one for dead eye, the other three passive. There’s a handful of cards you can choose from for each slot, and each one of them can be upgraded twice. In order to unlock a new card, you’ll have to reach a certain rank and shell out some cash. This makes the system a lot more customizable. Here are all the cards you can place in the dead eye slot, along with their effects:

Dead Eye Ability Cards

Rdr2 Online Beta

  • A Moment To Recuperate: While dead eye is active you slowly regenerate health. Taking any damage will cancel dead eye.
  • Focus Fire: While dead eye is active, you and your team members deal a little more damage. If more than one member of your team has this ability active, the effects do not stack.
  • Paint It Black: While dead eye is active you can paint targets onto enemies. Fire your weapon to shoot all marked targets. Each shot drains dead eye.
  • Slow and Steady: While dead eye is active, you take a little less damage and headshots don’t kill you instantly. You cannot run or sprint.
  • Quite an Inspiration: While dead eye is active you and your allies slowly regenerate health. The effects do not stack.
  • Slippery Bastard: While dead eye is active enemy players cannot lock onto you, and you cannot lock onto them. Other enemies are a little less accurate when shooting you. The rate at which your dead eye drains is dramatically increased.

Rdr2 Online Best Saddle

Paint it Black is obviously closest to how dead eye works in the singleplayer part, but its usefulness is dubious. It’s not straight up bad, but having health regeneration is a much better choice for most people. That one, along with Slippery Bastard, is obviously meant for more skilled players, who can keep themselves out of harms way well enough without the health boosts or headshot prevention the other cards offer.

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There are also passive ability cards that influence your dead eye. Keep an eye out for things like Eye For An Eye, which returns a bit of dead eye when you headshot enemies, or The Gift of Focus, which increases the effectiveness of items that refill your dead eye gauge.

If you end up getting stuck at another point, you might want to check out some of the other guides we have. We've written about mysteries like the missing person Gavin, the Rhodes Gunsmith prisoner, the locked door at Valentine doctor. We also have instructional guides that show how to rob stores without getting bounty or where to sell jewelry and gold bars. If it's collectibles or key items you're after, we've found all the Penny Dreadful comic books, Chick's treasure map location, or that famous pipe for Dutch. Finally, if you don't care to explore the map yourself, you could take a look at our Watson's Cabin and Catfish Jackson's Homestead locations guides. In the latest Red Dead Online Moonshiners Update you'll have a chance to find Navy Revolver and Best Shack Locations.